24 April 2008

"Nothing like the printed word" - a response in Today

And would you believe it, someone actually bothered to comment on my letter! See Lai Yew Chan's letter here.

A very good contradiction - almost the perfect mirror opposite I would have imagined, had I been a staunch 'official news' supporter. Lai's position was that print media gives 'credible' content, while I believed that it was the variety of Internet content, sometimes extreme, that leads to thought. Lai preferred to think that "not all Internet users are thinking readers", yet I maintain that all readers are thinking readers!

I enjoyed it completely, as I could imagine it had we been face to face. Two positions taken at the exact opposite ends of the spectrum, exactly what I wrote about!

Interestingly enough, it came out in the printed word, while I was arguing that balance is best achieved online where all angles of the argument are fair dinkum. Looks like there is hope yet for 'old media'... :) N

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